Esposa de Barack Obama hace campaña por primera vez en Puerto Rico
Pierluisi dijo que durante la reunión hablaron sobre "la política local", mientras que el grupo de campaña enfatizó a Obama que "Barack es un hombre justo y no es un político tradicional, que se identifica con el pobre de Puerto Rico y que será un excelente presidente".
Se suman alcaldes a candidatura de Obama
Pedro Pierluisi, quien encabeza la campaña de Obama en Puerto Rico, anunció hoy que el alcalde loiceño, Eddie Manso, y su homólogo de Añasco, Pablo Crespo, se unieron al grupo que apoya la candidatura del aspirante demócrata por las propuestas que presentó para la Isla.
Michelle Obama, Chelsea Clinton campaign for Democratic candidates in Puerto Rico
In the city's colonial district, Michelle Obama greeted the steering committee for her husband's campaign. She said only Puerto Ricans should decide whether the island will continue its commonwealth status, become a U.S. state or opt for independence.
Chelsea Clinton back in Puerto Rico to campaign
Chelsea Clinton is back in Puerto Rico stumping for her mother, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Extended race great news for Puerto Rico
Not since those Vieques protests has Puerto Rico received so much attention from Washington politicians and the mainland media.
Let's Listen to the Voters of Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico deserves to be heard in the Democratic race for President. As the chair of Barack Obama's campaign in Puerto Rico put it this week: "As a Puerto Rican I know this is our chance to engage the candidates on issues that matter to our island." On issues ranging from health care to the economy, the voters of Puerto Rico want to be heard.
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