U.S. Census Bureau issues Facts for Features in observance of Hispanic Heritage Month 2008: Sept. 15 - Oct. 1549.4 million
The estimated U.S. Latino population (including the 3.9 million residents of Puerto Rico).
About 1. . .of every two people added to the nation’s population between July 1, 2006, and July 1, 2007, was Latino. There were 1.4 million Latinos added to the population during the period.
Percentage increase in the Latino population between July 1, 2006, and July 1, 2007, making Latinos the fastest-growing "minority" group.
132.8 millionThe projected Latino population of the United States on July 1, 2050. According to this projection, Latinos will constitute 30 percent of the nation’s population by that date.
22.4 millionThe nation’s Latino population during the 1990 Census — less than half the current total.
3rdRanking of the size of the U.S. Latino population worldwide, as of 2007. Only Brazil (184 million) and Mexico (108.7 million) had larger Latino populations than did the United States (45.5 million).
64%The percentage of Latin American-origin people in the United States who are of Mexican background. Another 9 percent are of Puerto Rican background, with 3.4 percent Cuban, 3.1 percent Salvadoran and 2.8 percent Dominican. The remainder are of some other Central American, South American or other Latino origin.
About 50 percent of the nation’s Dominicans live in New York City and about half of the nation’s and about half of the nation’s Cubans in Miami-Dade County, Fla.
27.6 yearsMedian age of the Latino population in 2007. This compares with 36.6 years for the population as a whole.
107Number of Latinos in 2007 per every 100 Latinas. This was in sharp contrast to the overall population, which had 97 males per every 100 females.
States and Counties
The percentage of the Latino/Hispanic-origin population that lives in California or Texas. California is home to 13.2 million Latinos, and Texas is home to 8.6 million.
16The number of states with at least a half-million Latino-Hispanic residents. They are Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Washington.
The percentage of New Mexico’s population that is Latino/Hispanic, the highest of any state. Latinos/Hispanics also make up more than a quarter of the population in California and Texas, at 36 percent each, Arizona (30 percent) and Nevada (25 percent).
4.7 million
The Latino population of Los Angeles County, Calif., in 2007 — the largest of any county in the nation. Maricopa County, Ariz. (home of Phoenix) had the biggest numerical increase in the Latino population (60,700) since July 2006.
97%Proportion of the population of Starr County, Texas, that was Latino as of 2007, which led the nation. In fact, each of the top 10 counties in this category was in Texas.
308,000The increase in Texas’ Latino population between July 1, 2006, and July 1, 2007, which led all states. California (268,000) and Florida (131,000) also recorded large increases.
20 Number of states in which Latinos are the largest "minority" group. These states are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
1.6 millionThe number of Latino-owned businesses in 2002.
The rate of growth of Latino-owned businesses between 1997 and 2002 (31 percent) compared with the national average (10 percent) for all businesses.
$222 billionRevenue generated byLatino-owned businesses in 2002, up 19 percent from 1997.
44.6%. . . of all Latino-owned firms were owned by Mexicans, Mexican-Americans and Chicanos.
29,168Number of Latino-owned firms with receipts of $1 million or more. Counties with the highest number of Latino-owned firms were Los Angeles County (188,422); Miami-Dade County (163,187); and Harris County, Texas (61,934).
Families and Children
9.9 millionThe number of Latino family households in the United States in 2006. Of these households, 62 percent included children younger than 18.
67%The percentage of Latino family households consisting of a married couple.
44%The percentage of Latino family households consisting of a married couple with children younger than 18.
66%Percentage of Latino children living with two married parents.
Percentage of total population younger than 5 that was Latino as of July 1, 2007.
Spanish Language
34 million
The number of U.S. residents 5 and older who speak Spanish at home. Spanish speakers constitute 12 percent of U.S. residents.
29%Percentage of Texas residents 5 and older who speak Spanish at home, which leads all states. This compares with the national average of 12 percent.
78%Percentage of Latinos 5 and older who speak Spanish at home.
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance
The median income of Latino households in 2007, statistically unchanged from the previous year after adjusting for inflation.
The poverty rate among Latinos in 2007, up from 20.6 percent in 2006.
The percentage of Latinos who lacked health insurance in 2007, down from 34.1 percent in 2006.
60%The percentage of Latinos 25 and older who had at least a high school education in 2007.
13%The percentage of the Latino population 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2007.
3.3 million
The number of Latinos 18 and older who had at least a bachelor’s degree in 2007, up from 1.7 million a decade earlier.
811,000Number of Latinos 25 and older with advanced degrees in 2007 (e.g., master’s, professional, doctorate).
Percentage of all college students in October 2006 who were Latino. Among elementary and high school students combined, the corresponding proportion was 19 percent.
68%Percentage of Latinos 16 and older who are in the civilian labor force.
17%The percentage of Latinos 16 or older who work in management, professional and related occupations.
82,500Number of Latino chief executives. In addition, 46,200 physicians and surgeons; 53,600 postsecondary teachers; 43,000 lawyers; and 5,700 news analysts, reporters and correspondents are Latino.
7.6 million
The number of Latino citizens who reported voting in the 2004 presidential election.
5.6 million
The number of Latino citizens who reported voting in the 2006 congressional elections. The percentage of Latino citizens voting — about 32 percent — did not change statistically from four years earlier.
Serving our Country
1.1 million
The number of Latinos veterans of the U.S. armed forces.