The Pew Hispanic Center today released a fact sheet on the demographics of eligible voters in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The fact sheet contains information on elections in Puerto Rico and data on the size and social and economic characteristics of the Puerto Rican eligible voter population. This fact sheet is based on the Center's tabulations of the Census Bureau's 2006 Puerto Rico Community Survey.
More yawns than cheers in Puerto Rico primary
Local elections routinely attract 80 percent of voters. And the Democratic primary is open to all registered voters of whatever party, because Puerto Rico doesn't register voters by party. Nevertheless, electoral officials predict fewer than 25 percent of the 2.3 million registered voters will turn out for Sunday's primary.
Puerto Rico: Apatía hacia la primaria: Muchos alcaldes del PNP son republicanos.
La movilización de electores a las urnas para la primaria de este domingo dependerá de la capacidad de los políticos locales en superar la apatía que tienen en sus filas: la gran mayoría de los alcaldes penepés son republicanos y algunos de sus homólogos populares no aplauden este proceso.
More On Puerto Rico
Thus, 32-23 Clinton on the delegates, a plus 9 in the delegate count for Clinton. This is based on Clinton winning by 57-43. My prediction today. Clinton picks up about 75,000 in the popular vote.
Todos Somos Americanos
“Ich bin ein Berliner”, was how John F. Kennedy in 1963, during the height of the Cold War, sought to reaffirm US support towards democratic West Germany shortly after the construction of the Berlin Wall.
Fast forward to 2008 and Presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, in a keynote speech on his proposed policies towards Latin America evoked a similar notion of solidarity (and use of a foreign language catchphrase…) by declaring: “¡Todos Somos Americanos!” (We are all Americans!)
ALP: "Squeezed" and "Fighting for "Puerto Rico"
The American Leadership is an independent pro-Clinton group that has been running ads on her behalf.
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary VIII: Livin' La Vida Loca
Puerto Rico Primary Poll Questioned
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary VII: Partidos Politicos
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary VI
Hóla, Puerto Rico!: Puerto Rico Presidential Primary V
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary IV
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary III
Latinos Shift to Obama
An Obama Victory in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary II
Puerto Rico Presidential Primary
Puerto Rico to Pick the Next U.S. President? It may not be so crazy
Angelo Falcon: Puerto Rico & the U.S. Presidential Election
Puerto Rico's Anibal Acevedo-Vila Endorses Barack Obama
Independentistas Tap Puerto Rico's Anti-War Sentiment
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