"A new generation of eco-farmers in Puerto Rico are working
to bring pride back to the jíbaro lifestyle. Young people all over Puerto Rico
are heading back to the land and starting organic farms up in the mountains,
growing everything from coffee to kale."
Puerto Rico's Projected 2100 Population Minus 1 Million to 2.8 Million
According to UN data, Puerto Rico's population will fall to 2.8 million by 2010. That's a loss of 1 million people from its high of 3.8 million in 2000. The island's population slide is also in sharp contrast to predicted increases in US, hemispheric and global totals.
Population Pyramids of the World 1950-2100
Melissa Mark Viverito: NYC's Next City Council President
Melissa Mark Viverito is on the verge of becoming New York City's next Council President. She has the backing of mayor-elect Bill DeBlasio, SEIU and 30 or so of her peers on the City Council. If victorious in the January 8th election, Mark Viverito -- who's Puerto Rican -- becomes the first person of Latino heritage to hold the powerful post.
As City Council President, Mark Viverito would be on a trajectory to higher office. NYC's 1st woman mayor?